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Organized and Flexible

For many of us the work year in full swing, and the school year is in the starting blocks!
Which means it’s about to get B.U.S.Y!
My life is generally a juggling act – I am a wife, mom with with a business – this means (what feels like…) a million moving parts – most of which feel like they hinge on me.Now, I am not complaining- I have everything I always wanted and I am intentional about what and who are in my life
But sometimes things just don’t work out.
In fact most days something comes up! Yet somehow, 95% of the time, we make it through without completely crumbling or wanting to pack it all in.
What’s the secret?
I have learnt to be properly organized and ridiculously flexible. So, when life plants a roadblock I can “Stop and simplify.”
This is not a mindset – it’s a method:
- I plan in months and weeks, and live in days.
My days are too unpredictable to plan down to the minute. Instead, I keep lists of what needs to get done each month and each week. When the day starts, I pull from there and allocate what I can
- I know what done looks like.
Vague goals are a recipe for overwhelm and zero progress. I’m crystal clear about what needs to be done, when it needs to happen, and most importantly what success looks like.
- I color-code my life.
My Google Calendar is like my second brain. Everything gets a color—family time, work, exercise, time off etc—so I can visually check if my priorities are in balance. If my calendar looks like a sea of “work green,” I know it’s time to fix things.

Then when chaos hits
And it does! I stop and ask myself 4 key questions:
- What’s the most important thing right now?
- What can I move to another day?
- What can I delegate?
- What can I just cancel and forget?
It’s about giving myself permission to focus on what really matters and letting go of the rest… some just for now, and some forever!
Chaos is inevitable. But I’ve learned it doesn’t have to run the show.
To me, success isn’t about living in a constant state of stress or scrambling to keep up. In fact that is the exact opposite of what I want.
There are no awards for most stressed, most frantic, most exhausted … and even if there were… I don’t want them!
I want to create a life I enjoy.
I believe it’s not about how much you accomplish, it’s about how you feel while you’re doing it. And for me, a happy, balanced life beats a chaotic one every time.
Do you agree?
And when you reply (please do…it can get lonely out here) – share your go-to survival strategy when things get crazy.
Cheers to protecting your happy!

Reading time: 2min
Who is Kira Goller?
I am a wife, mother, marketer and writer.
This isn’t what I have always done. Each chapter built on the next and took everything I could out of every opportunity. I have been taught by some of the best in the world and will never stop learning – it’s an obsession of sorts.
Today I help people bring their brands to life, build a presence in the world thats authentic, consistent and draws their ideal audience.
I am passionate about young people and run workshops to educate, guide and inspire them to create a digital footprint their future selves will be grateful for!

When you are Ready, here’s how I can Help
Build your Brand – Do you have a business or an idea but not sure what to do next?
I will help you figure it out and create whatever you need including – Brand Guide, Logo, Website, Soial Profiles etc
Establish your Brand Narrative – Are you unsure of what you want to say or how to say it?
I will help you establish you key messaging and brand voice
Write – Do you need help writing the copy for your website, emails or other content?
I will write your message, in your voice, in a way that immediately connects with your audience.
Teach Teenagers how to Build an Authentic, Intentional Digital Presence.
I run workshops that empower young people to create a digital presence their future selves are depending on them for!