About Me

Hello, I am Kira Goller

Hello, I am Kira Goller

I have been exactly where you are now!

About Me

Hello, I am Kira Goller

Hello, I am Kira Goller

I have been exactly where you are now!

My Story 

I Didn’t Know What I Didn’t Know!

All I ever wanted to be was a physio.

Infact I think I was 4 the first time I said it.

Being selected into the physio program proved a challenge (high school was possibly more fun that it should have been!), but I got in, and did well.

After completing my training, and working for a few years I opened my own practice with a strong mission – build a world class practice.

And I am proud to say that’s what we did!


In achieving this I developed a love for business that really surprised me, and eventually totally overshadowed my work as a physio.

I knew it was was time for a change, and when an opportunity to start an EComm business appeared, and I jumped at the chance…

only to realize I knew absolutely nothing about building a business online.

And then the world completly shut down!

In between the chaos of homeschooling my 3 children and worrying about my husband at work (he is a medical doctor) I happened to open an email that would completely change everything, forever.

Building an online business

Building a Foundation

Digitalmarketer had opened certifications at no cost.

Less than an hour later I’d signed up and was already through my first module.

Digitalmarketer and their community become my life blood! I invested in their Elite Coaching program, giving me weekly access to marketing gurus like Ryan Deiss, Scott Cunningham and Kasim Aslam (and so many more…)

As a result our business thrived, going from a garage setup to having warehouse with a logictics team! We doubled sales three years in a row and things were looking good!

I was invited to attend Digitalmarketer’s Traffic and Conversion Summit in 2022 in San Diego.

The first few days were tough! I knew a tiny handful of people and felt completely out of my depth. But slowly I found my feet!

I grew in confidence and 4 crucial things happened…

  • I met a very influential marketer who today I have the privilege of calling my friend, and colleague!
  • I was invited to speak on a podcast with Mark de Grasse
  • I was introduced to Alex Cattoni who later taught me everything I know about copywriting and who leads the mastermind group I am now part of
  • And possibly the most important one of all…. I realized I knew way more than I thought I did!

I returned ready to take our business to the next level.

But that wasn’t to be.

Due to massive increases in the product and imports costs our margins were shrinking to levels that were putting the business under pressure.

In 2023, we made the difficult, but strategic decision to stop trading, but it wasn’t all bad news…

People started reaching out to me for help on how to grow their businesses.

Combining all my training, experience, and copywriting skills, I could now dedicate myself to helping others.

Kira Goller, Digital Marketer

My Mission today

I know how tough it is to have a business you are passionate about, but have no idea of the steps to take to build it

My mission is simplify modern marketing so that you have clarity on who you are, what you want to say, and how to you’ll connect with the people who need what you are offering!

I help you establish your brand and define your messaging ensuring you show up with authencity and consistency and become your ideal customers first choice!

I recently launched a program to teach teenagers the basics of building a digital presence they will one day be proud of!

For more info please CLICK HERE

If you need my help, complete the form below, and let’s get started!


Get your business on track in 3 easy steps

Step 1

Get in Touch

Let know how I can help you, and let’s get the ball rolling!

Step 2

Let the magic happen

Depending on the specific needs I will get to work!

Step 3


You will have taken huge steps, made great progress and be way closer to achieving your goals!

want the 5 foundamentals?

Do you want my 3 step Growth Plan?

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